Struggling with sales in your ecommerce business? 

I'm revealing some of the things my clients don't do that stops them from converting traffic into sales in my FREE Convert More Customers Checklist… so you don't make the same mistakes!



When your sales aren't easily flowing in, it can feel like a SCARY time!

You've been putting in the effort - running paid ads, ramping up your social content, and sending emails to your mailing list non-stop. But despite the traffic landing on your site, your hard work isn’t translating into conversions (aka sales). 

You’re exhausted and starting to feel like your e-commerce business is more of a consistent struggle than a success. 

You'd love to invest in experts to pinpoint what's going wrong, but with cash flow quickly drying up, you can't risk it - even though deep down, you know that's exactly what you need to get sales moving again.

You’re feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place. You might even be wondering, Is this business still right for me? Should I carry on or give up?!

It's a valid question, and totally normally to feel deflated about your business during these tougher times, BUT let me reassure you - you’re not alone! SO MANY founders I speak to, in DMs and on my mentoring calls, are seeing a big declines in website sales and conversions.

Why? In 2020, lockdowns meant everyone was shopping online, and ecommerce boomed. Small-to-mid-sized businesses thrived. Fast forward to 2024, and we're seeing that trend reverse due to  a mix of factors that have driven consumers to become more cautious and savvy with their spending... Sadly, I've seen many amazing businesses close in these times.

What if I told you it DOES NOT have to be this hard - there are ways you can turn this around; you just don’t see it yet.

How do I know? After auditing several client businesses this year, I’ve noticed a pattern -  super basic things are being missed, causing potential customers to click off your site and abandon their carts. The thing is I can clearly see there's missed potentially here, because these clients ARE getting traffic on their websites, but they are simply not converting them!

The industry average conversion rate is 2%, so if potential buyers are landing on your site but your rate is below this, I don't even need to look at your website to tell you you're missing out on sales opportunities! When you're working IN your business every day, it’s easy to develop blind spots and miss what's been holding you back from converting traffic into sales.

That’s why I created this FREE conversion checklist - to help you identify the simple, often-overlooked issues that could be costing you sales, plus I'll share the actionable steps you can take to turn things around!

so, what's inside the convert more customers checklist?

Don't give up on your business just yet. Try these actionable tips from my checklist, and see if you can turn things around. These are the exact steps I’ve implemented in my clients' businesses to improve their sales.


FREE Training: Explaining the common reasons why your customers might not be converting, to help you start identifying why the sales aren't coming through and what to do about it.


Your Conversion Optimization Action Plan: 10 super simple actions you can take to ensure your e-commerce site is set up properly to sell! I’ve seen these very issues hold back clients from converting traffic into sales.


FREE BONUS Training: The secret to selling in your e-commerce business – I'll walk you through the one thing I KNOW will boost your sales, even though you're probably scared to try it.

Hi, I'm Sophie - I'm here to help you grow your E-Commerce business…

As an ex-Burberry fashion buyer turned e-commerce mentor, I’ve helped hundreds of founders in the fashion, beauty, and wellness industries build and grow their businesses. My mission is to make the resources you need to launch your business easy, accessible, affordable, and fun.

The strategies I teach aren’t just theories - they’re tried and tested methods that I’ve used with global brands like Ralph Lauren and Burberry, plus my mentoring clients like Sophie who I helped launch her lingerie brand and described me as a "friend who knew her business inside out" or Sam who I helped launch the bag brand and said I "filled a donut shaped hole in her business".

Now, I’m sharing the exact methods I gave them with YOU.

Let's get your business off the ground, together?

Curious to learn more about my experiences and insights gained while working with renowned brands? Click here to find out more!

So many brilliant businesses close, because the founder just can’t see past the blindspots to making more sales, that's why I have created this FREE resource to help you turn things around!